Sandstone Heritage Trust - Rail News

RN 213 - Our German made Feldbahn locomotive is of huge significance to the Sandstone Heritage Trust

Our German made Feldbahn locomotive is of huge significance to the Sandstone Heritage Trust. Not only are we collectors of classic military vehicles but many of the people who have supported us and participated in our activities have military backgrounds of one form or another.

If you need time to reflect about life think about being in the First World War on the Western front. The Sandstone Heritage Trust is fortunate to have obtained some very rare and exciting archive items including a complete set of black & white photographs complete with photo viewer. We have taken some of these photos and made them available to provide a backdrop to the theme "Steel and the First World War", which in our case is represented by two items of major significance - our big B5 Crane Engine, examples of which would have done service in the First World War, although they were first introduced in a war theatre during the Boer War.

The second item is our Feldbahn, which will be unveiled to a specialist group of VIP's on 2nd September at the Sandstone Narrow Gauge Railway in the Eastern Free State.

"Male Tadpole tank, especially designed to cross the Hun trenches, moves forward in battle line."
"Our 16 inch railway guns demolish the Hun concrete emplacements and open the way for the infantry."
Feldbahn locomotives such as our locomotive, No. 498, were there too,
right in the thick of it