SA Venues is the premier online accommodation booking service in South Africa. Sandstone Estates has been listed with SA Venues for just over 2 years now.
Sandstone Estates has been the chosen location for numerous film shoots over the years. These have ranged from Feature Films, including a number of “Bollywood” productions, Corporate and launch video productions, Music Videos, International News features and over 130 productions, on our world famous 2ft narrow gauge railway, featured on the YouTube channel.
Our tractor “guru” Chris Wilson has been busy on a recent visit to Sandstone identifying tractors to be showcased at the Summer Steam Festival from the 17th to 19th November 2023. One of these is a Case L , dating from before WW2, which has not been run for over 15 years. The Case L was built between 1929-1940 in Wisconsin, USA.
Chris Wilson, Sandstone’s tractor guru, is restoring an exciting tractor at his workshop in KwaZulu-Natal.
Here at Sandstone Estates, we have acquired quite a large number of horses as a result of some strange happenings.
The recent Farrail Photographic Tour to South Africa has been covered in an extensive article in the respected German magazine, Lok Report, October 2023 issue. You can click here to read the German version or click here for the English translation.
Renowned South African photographer and videographer, Jean Dulez has just published a new book, “Railways of South Africa and Namibia” “Motive Power and Trains”.
Railway Historian, John Middleton, is well known to South African railway enthusiasts for his numerous books on South African Railways main line and Industrial locomotives over the last 30 years or so. His latest book, Industrial Locomotives of South Africa (Volume 1) has been published. This covers the three Cape provinces, Free State (including a Sandstone entry), Kwa-Zulu Natal and North West provinces. It is available as a hardback book (B5 size) has 496 pages, almost 300 photographs (158 in colour) and 40 maps. Volume 2 which should be ready in 2024 (its already in draft form) will cover the rest of the former Transvaal plus Swaziland and Lesotho.The book is a magnificent work of reference and has obviously been part of the author’s life for some time.