General News

Nerina Skuy 1953-2021

Sadly we heard the news that the driving force behind the Apple Express and Editor of SA Rail magazine passed way. Wilfred Mole, from Sandstone Estates, posted this tribute, via her husband Hilton, to Nerina.


Dear Hilton,


I am currently in the UK but I received a message to say that Nerina had passed away.

Although I have not seen her for many years, I of course dealt with her over an extensive period probably 10-years ago or more. 

 She was definitely a champion of the Narrow Gauge and was very committed to her cause. 

Lyndie and I would like to extend our condolences to yourself and the family on her passing. I feel that she was taken from you early because I thought she was always a very youthful and vibrant person. 

She will be sorely missed, not the least of all by the Narrow Gauge Railway which she did so much to keep alive.

Yours sincerely,

Wilfred E. Mole
Sandstone Estates (Pty) Ltd

Heritage News 2021

Sandstone Heritage2021
The latest edition for 2021 of the Heritage News is now available, click here to read the latest news from Sandstone.


The Sandstone Ladies to the Rescue!

Our recent article below, where our massive HET tank tractor was needed to pull our combine out of a marshy area of the mealie field, had a wonderful sequel after one large sodden area of the mealie field became a definite no go for the combine. This was no problem for the arable guys at Sandstone and all our ladies from every working area of the farm moved in to harvest the maize in that area  by hand! Given Sandstone’s commitment to mechanisation this was a site to behold! To add to the olde world ambience our Oxen joined in to clear the harvest from the land. We thank you ladies!

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Spraying the CAT and rescuing the Combine.

Some time ago we looked at the HET out to play with the Cats, The CATS come out to play! ( . Since then the CAT 621 scraper has been given a new coat of paint while the HET has been out in the lands rescuing the John Deere combine from a particularly marshy part of the mealie fields.

Our gallery shows David spraying the CAT 621 scraper and the Combine bogged down with the HET to the rescue.

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Accommodation at Sandstone

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If you are visiting the Eastern Free State, you may like to choose Sandstone Estates for your accommodation needs.

Sandstone offers accommodation on a working farm which also houses the internationally renowned Sandstone Heritage Trust collection. Various attractions are available to visitors to the farm.
Click here to view our Accommodation Guide for 2021

The impact of Covid 19 on Museums.

Covid19 Samantics
Sandstone Heritage Trust and Sandstone Heritage Museum are proud members of the South African Museums Association (SAMA). This organisation does great work across a broad spectrum of museums in South Africa. They have recently published their January 2021, newsletter, Samantics which has some interesting information on the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on museums and also previous pandemics that have infected the world. Click here to see Samantics.
Sandstone subscribes to all the current Covid 19 protocols and is very much open to visitors. We have a new Visitor Coordinator, Mariette Palmer, who can arrange your proposed visit. You can contact her by e mail on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or cell number 064 752 3852  alternatively you may use the “Contact Us” tab on the web site.

Cosmos Extravaganza!

Sadly Covid 19 prevented us from holding our Easter Steam Festival which coincided with the arrival of the Cosmos display at Sandstone. Nevertheless we steamed NG10 number 61 for a train trip for our staff on Easter Monday which enabled us to put together a photo gallery of Cosmos 2021. As always our Oxen were keen to join in! The photographs are by Toni Barratt.

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Sandstone Estates comes to the rescue.

Recently a goods train on its way from Bloemfontein to Maseru de-railed due to the collapse of sections of the rail close to the junction of the line to Lesotho at Marseilles.  As one can see from the pictures these trucks were badly damaged and scattered along the railway line.  Fortunately most of them were full of maize and a few of them contained wheat which was unceremoniously dumped in the veld.  Nu-Pro, a well-respected local grain trading organisation, contacted Sandstone on an emergency basis and asked if we could somehow pick up these commodities and put them into trailers for removal to a nearby grain silo.  Fortunately Sandstone has in its mechanisation division a number of Agrivac machines built in Canada.  These are custom built machines which operate like giant vacuum cleaners and they can suck up material off of the ground and distribute it through pipes to wherever you want to store it.  Within a few hours a team under Josef Mokoroane, our experienced silo manager, assisted by another Sandstone stalwart Poni Ramohloki was on site together with Raymond Hohls from Sandstone.   This team completed the entire job in 4 days which resulted in the recovery of some 230 tons of grain. 

Heritage News 15 Feb 2021

Heritage News Feb 2021

The latest edition for 2021 of the Heritage News is now available, click here to read the latest news from Sandstone. Click here to read

Summer Steam Festival 26th to 28th February 2021 Cancelled

The current COVID 19 legislation published after our February and Easter events were advertised prohibits all indoor and outdoor events as of 28th December 2020 and was subsequently extended on January 15th 2021. This legislation has been reviewed on February 13th 2021 and published in the Government Gazette and the restrictions on gatherings have been extended and therefore remain in force until March 15th 2021 and now extend over a period that covers the end of February and the proposed event. The event scheduled for February 26 to 28 has been cancelled.


Depending on whether such legislation is changed at the next review on March 15th 2021, prior to Easter, will determine as to whether the scheduled Easter weekend event (April 2-5) will be able to take place.