General News

Compagnes Drift Mill - 12 August 2008

Heritage - News

Update for 12th August 2008

Hello all,


Last week I didn't send a report, as I got so little done. Mostly, it was because of visitors, always fun and interesting. One was from a local newspaper; let's see what comes of that! I also milled two batches of grain so we have stock of meal for a while.

Today, I got stuck in with noisy work as soon as I arrived, deciding to tackle the wood for the rail on the other side of the launder. As before, this involved sawing lengthwise and running the quarter-round cutter on the router twice along what will be the top edge, which the metal will be wrapped over.

Compagnes Drift Mill - 03 July 2008

Heritage - News

Update for 3rd July 2008

Hello all,
It's been a while since I sent in a Mill report. The reason is that we've been busy at our Museum in Villiersdorp setting up, assembling and getting going the big Crossley engine we rescued just 13 months ago from Standard Roller Mills in Caledon:


Last Saturday was the Big Start up, and it ran beautifully for most of the day.

Compagnes Drift Mill - 22 April 2008

Heritage - News

Update for 22nd April 2008

I think I can now say the water wheel is fully restored! Painting inside and out wasn't as straightforward as I thought, besides, 48 buckets X 2 is a lot of painting. Also half the buckets had a lot of oak leaves stuck on previous paint and these had to be scraped off first. The inside of the buckets I did standing in the tailrace where we'd done the assembling, the outside I did at the top, sitting on the support for the launder, painting one bucket, then pushing the wheel away with my feet, one bucket at a time. By the time I was nearly finished with this I was stretching my neck, hoping that I'd start seeing the freshly painted ones coming up. Eventually they did, then there were five to go then four, then three..... then they were all done!



Compagnes Drift Mill - 25 March 2008

Heritage - News

Update for 25th March 2008

Stephen Sokolic came and helped today with the making and fitting of more buckets to the water wheel. When we were carrying out the un-bent sheets, he asked how many to bring. I thought 12 would be a good idea, based on what I'd managed to do on my own on the prebvious two Saturdays. I had an idea Stephen was eyeing the pile of un-bent ones during the day as we progressed, and they didn't seem to be getting any less. The reason was, while he wasn't watching, I was adding more to the stack!

Compagnes Drift Mill - 26 January 2008

Heritage - News

Update for 26th January 2008

Another busy day in preparation for the Open Days next weekend!

First some tidying and organising inside. I had brought some laminated sheets, instructions for the bread machine, explanation of the crest on the Stamford Mill, lubrication of the wooden cogs with beeswax, etc, so those were put up along with several articles which have appeared in the press about our project:


Compagnes Drift Mill - 19 January 2008

Heritage - News

Update for 19th January 2008

The brief at the moment is to get the Mill ready for the Open Days in two weeks time. This includes making the most of the area of the water wheel itself. The invitation includes this image:



Compagnes Drift Mill - 5 January 2008

Heritage - News

5th January, updated 19th January / 26th January

Jump to the update;

5th January 2008

Hello all,

Firstly I have to report on the passing of paterfamilias of Compagnes Drift, Raoul Beaumont in this last week. He had been gravely ill and in hospital for nearly two weeks and gave up the struggle on Thursday. In him I have lost my No 1 fan of these reports. He hung on every word I wrote, always saying how much he enjoyed reading them! His last year was buoyed by two things; one his Harley Davidson and getting well enough from a previous set-back to be able to drive it again. The other was progress on his mill. I am pleased that we had reached the milestone of finishing the planks on the water wheel in time!

Compagnes Drift Mill - 18 January 2007

Any collector and restorer of Stationary Engines is always on the look-out for unusual pieces of equipment to drive with his engines, so making them more interesting to the general public. It cannot be often that the occasion arises to drive a whole mill house! I have had this fortunate opportunity recently on the farm Compagnes Drift in Bot River, which dates back to 1750 and was an outpost of the Honourable Dutch East India Company (VOC). The farm, home to the Beaumont family, is situated about 100 km due East of Cape Town, and luckily only 23 km from Elgin where I live.


The farm gate post.

Compagnes Drift Mill No 106. 5th December 2009. Oregon Planks and Supportd for beams

Keith Wetmore eventually managed to track down the cold-climate pine planks we’d been promised. Commercially, these used planks sell for R28 per metre.Some horse-trading was involved here!


Out of these planks, I must make the trunking for the main elevator, the delivery chutes from the top of the main elevator to the mills and grain cleaner, and replace some floorboards. I have a feeling I will still run out!